Transport GRATUIT la TOATE comenzile
Transport Gratuit la Orice Comanda // Impachetare Cadou Gratuita // Pana La 60 de Rate

Terms and conditions

Delivery policy

Diva Pearls ensures fast delivery of products purchased online.

Shipping is FREE, only for delivery in Romania. 

The approximate term of delivery of the products is 1-3 working days if the product is in stock, for Romania and for international delivery 2-5 working days (for countries from the European Union). 

Mentionam ca livrarile se fac prin compania de curierat TNT sau orice alta companie de curierat partener. In perioadele de Black Friday sau de sarbatori comezile pot ajunge cu intarziere din motive ce nu tin de furnizorul Diva Pearls. La plasarea unei comenzi pe site-ul nostru se poate utiliza un singur cod de reducere, nu pot fi aplicate simultan mai multe coduri (reduceri) obtinute in diverse campanii ( cu titlu de exemplu: codul de reducere ca abonat la newsletter nu poate fi aplicat daca se utilizeaza un cod de reducere intr-o campanie de Sale/Black Friday). NU SE CUMULEAZA MAI MULTE REDUCERI PE SITE-UL NOSTRU, INDIFERENT DE PROVENIENTA.

Diva Pearls products are not sold by weight. They are sold as objects.

Warranty terms and conditions

The warranty certificate issued by AAT Pearls & Diamonds Company SRL, CUI 39853011, J28/778/2018, certifies that Diva Pearls products – rings, earrings, bracelets, necklaces, pendants – meet the parameters and quality requirements in accordance with legal norms in force. The warranty period for gold jewelry is 2 years for any lack of conformity existing on the date of sale.

The authenticity and characteristics of the precious material – 14K gold (585‰) / 18K gold (750‰) – as well as the gemstones/pearls inlaid in the jewelery setting are guaranteed for life. The products can be exchanged within 30 days from the date of purchase, only accompanied by the tax receipt/invoice and only if they have not been worn and do not show signs of wear due to improper handling. Consumer rights are in accordance with art. 16(1) of law 449/2003(12).

The consumer's rights are not affected by the warranty conditions provided in this Warranty Certificate. With this warranty certificate, we assure you that Diva Pearls jewelry is marked in accordance with its own warranty mark and title mark, this being authorized by the National Authority for Consumer Protection - Directorate for Precious Metals. This guarantee certificate certifies that the jewel is made of gold.

Gold can be yellow, white or rose gold. Gold is obtained by alloying the precious metal with a mix of metals that give it its specific shade. To intensify the shine of white gold jewelry, they are covered with rhodium. The rhodium layer can wear off in 6-12 months and the jewelry can lose its luster. Zirconia stones can tarnish over time.

Pentru bijuteriile încrustate cu perle/pietre, în cazul desprinderii / căderii acestora în perioada de garanție, vânzătorul le va înlocui gratuit, într-un termen de 15- 30 zile, numai în situațiile în care acest lucru nu este imputabil cumpărătorului. Garanția nu include deteriorările provocate bijuteriei din cauza nerespectării indicațiilor menționate în cadrul certificatului, a accidentelor, a neglijenței, a utilizării necorespunzătoare a acesteia sau a altor factori care nu au legătură cu defectele de material sau de manoperă.

Repairs for products under warranty will be carried out free of charge within 15 days, under the conditions of art. 16 (1) of law 449/2003 (12), if it is confirmed that a workmanship defect was the cause of such damage.

The transport will be paid by the customer for the jewelry that needs repairs (round trip).


For the most correct maintenance of Diva Pearls jewelry, we recommend:

  • Wear jewels encrusted with stones or pearls with care, as their mounting does not withstand mechanical shocks.
  • Keep the jewelry in the boxes/envelopes received when purchasing the products or in other boxes intended for jewelry
  • Do not wear the jewelry during household/rough activities or those where there is a possibility that it will come into contact with substances containing sulfur.
  • Do not wear jewelry during physical activities.
  • To maintain the shine of the jewelry, it is recommended to remove it before showering or doing household chores.
  • Avoid contact with chemicals, as they may corrode the metal.
  • After each wear, wipe the jewelry with a soft cloth.
  • Precious metal can lose its luster over time if it frequently comes into contact with agents such as perfume, salt water, skin creams, hairspray, chlorine or sulphur.
  • The level of fading that occurs depends on the wearer's skin and skin care routine.
  • Do not expose jewelry to harsh chemicals. Cleaning agents can alter the color and luster of jewelry.

 The warranty offered ensures the rights of the consumer, according to Law no. 449/2003 on the sale of products and their associated guarantees, and according to OG no. 21/1992 on consumer protection.

Service at tel.: (+40) 799 127 127 

Product return policy

If the jewelry does not correspond in terms of quality, you can return it within 30 calendar days. We ask you to inform us as soon as possible about your dissatisfaction with the purchased product. The transport will be borne by the customer.

Regarding the personalized jewelry, due to the fact that they are created and produced to order, they cannot be returned (in accordance with the legislation in force). Thus, jewelry that is created and made only to order - cannot be returned. Products can be exchanged within 30 calendar days from the date of purchase, only accompanied by the tax invoice and only if they have manufacturing defects, have not been worn and do not show signs of wear due to improper handling. After receiving and checking the returned product, we will process the refund, by bank transfer to the customer's account, within 10 working days. The cost of transport will be borne by the customer.

In the case of rings whose size can be changed, the customer can request this service within a maximum of 15 days from the date of purchase. The modification procedure is free for rings encrusted with pearls/diamonds, additional costs being charged only if it is necessary to add material (gold), necessary to increase the diameter of the jewel. The cost will be calculated according to the weight/quantity of added gold. We will inform you by phone or email if all these procedures can be carried out.

Consumer rights are in accordance with art. 16 (1) of law 449/2003 (12). The consumer's rights are not affected by the warranty conditions provided in the warranty certificate.

Post-purchase grinding of jewelry is not included in the warranty. Zirconium stones can wear out over time. Please note that freshwater cultured pearls are not perfect, they may have small imperfections, bumps, scratches, etc.

The warranty does not include damage caused to the jewelry due to non-compliance with the indications mentioned in the certificate, accidents, negligence, improper use or other factors not related to defects in material or workmanship.

Repairs for products under warranty will be carried out free of charge within 15 days, in accordance with art. 16 (1) of law 449/2003 (12), if it is confirmed that a workmanship defect was the cause of such damage. In case of product replacement, delivery of the same model is not guaranteed, but of a similar product of equivalent value.

Customer complaints and conciliation

If you have problems related to an order, we are at your disposal at the email address or at the phone number 0799 127 127 .


Article 1 – PURPOSE

The general terms and conditions of sale (hereinafter TCGV) will apply to all sales of goods and services by Diva Pearls, through the virtual store to the Buyer and can only be modified with the express written consent of both parties .


In this TCGV, the following terms will mean:
Buyer: the person, firm, company or other legal entity that issues an Order.
Seller: the commercial company AAT Pearls & Diamonds Company SRL, with registered office in Dimitrie Caracostea street no. 3, Slatina, Olt county, CUI 39853011, J28/778/2018
Goods and Services: any product (jewelry) or service, including documents and the services mentioned in the Order or otherwise related to them to be provided by the Seller to the Buyer.
Order: an electronic document that acts as a form of communication between the Seller and the Buyer through which the Seller agrees to deliver the Goods and Services and the Buyer agrees to receive these Goods and Services and to make payment for them.
Contract: an order confirmed by the Seller.
Intellectual property rights (hereinafter IPR): all intangible rights such as know-how, copyright and copyright, database rights, design rights, model rights, patents, trademarks and domain name registrations.
Specifications: all the specifications and/or descriptions of the Goods and Services as specified in the order.


By placing an electronic or telephone order on the previously mentioned website, the Buyer agrees to the form of communication (telephone or e-mail) through which the Seller conducts its operations.
The order will be composed of the following documents, in order of importance:

  1. The order (together with the clear mentions of the delivery and billing dates) and its specific conditions
  2. Buyer's Specifications (where applicable)

If the Seller confirms the order, this will imply full acceptance of the terms of the Order. The acceptance of the order by the Seller is considered completed when there is a verbal (telephone) confirmation from the Seller to the Buyer, without requiring a confirmation of receipt from him. The seller does not at any time consider an unconfirmed order as having the value of a Contract.

Article 4 – VALIDITY

This Agreement enters into force upon confirmation of the Order by the Seller. Confirmation is done by phone or email. The general terms and conditions of sale will form the basis of the Contract thus concluded, in addition to them being the Certificate of Guarantee issued by the Seller or one of his suppliers.


5.1 The Seller will use his professional and technical knowledge to achieve the result stipulated in the Order and will deliver the Goods and Services that meet the requirements, needs and specifications of the Buyer;

5.2 The information presented on the Seller's website is informative and may be modified by the Seller without prior notice. Also, for reasons related to space and the coherence of the information structure, product descriptions may be incomplete, but the seller makes efforts to present the most relevant information, so that the product is used within the parameters for which it was purchased;

5.3 If a product has been ordered that has become unavailable in the meantime, the buyer will be contacted by a Diva Pearls representative, by phone or email, who will inform him about the unavailability of the products. The Diva Pearls representative will try to offer you other options for the respective products, with a similar value.

Opinions or addresses that contain insults or inappropriate language will be excluded from the site or ignored. The seller has the freedom to manage the information received, without having to provide justifications for this.


The Seller may assign and/or subcontract to a third party for services related to the fulfillment of the order, with the Buyer's information, without his consent being necessary. The Seller will always be responsible to the Buyer for all contractual obligations.


The Buyer understands the intellectual property right and will not disclose to a third party or make public (on the Internet or the media), any of the information received from the Seller. Also, the name of the site as well as the graphic signs are registered trademarks owned by Diva Pearls and cannot be taken over, copied or used without the written consent of the owner.


If the deadlines for delivery and/or start of the Order cannot be met, the Seller is obliged to notify the Buyer of the estimated deadline for completing the delivery.

If the Seller receives erroneous information related to invoicing or the delivery of the products, a new deadline for honoring the order will be established, falling within 7 working days.


The price, payment method and payment term are specified in the Order. The Seller will issue an invoice to the Buyer for the Goods and Services delivered, the Buyer's obligation being to provide all the information necessary to issue the invoice in accordance with the legislation in force.


10.1 Delivery
The Seller undertakes to ship the Goods and Services in a door-to-door system to the Buyer and ensures a period of 120 hours or exceptionally 240 hours after the Order is placed in Delivery status, which status can be checked in the personal account created by the Buyer on the previously mentioned website. In exceptional conditions (weather, road conditions, accidents, etc.), the Seller will inform the Buyer about the delay and provide an estimated delivery time.

10.2 Transport - Packaging
Unless otherwise agreed by the Seller and the Buyer, the Seller discharges the risks and responsibilities associated with the Goods and Services at the time of their delivery to the internal courier company (eg TNT) with which the Seller collaborates or to the Buyer's representative. The seller will ensure the proper packaging of the Goods and Services and will ensure the transmission of the accompanying documents. The seller will deliver the Goods and Services on the territory of Romania. In the case of damaged goods, quantitative and/or qualitative deficiencies, they will be replaced and/or supplemented accordingly.


The seller will make every effort to provide correct information regarding the price and features of the products. Some features and/or prices may be wrong due to human error. If the Customer places an order where the product has the wrong price, the Seller has the right to cancel the Buyer's order.

According to Art. 1665 of the New Code of Civil Procedure

The fictitious price and the ridiculous price

  1. The sale is voidable when the price is set without the intention of payment.
  2. Also, if the law does not provide otherwise, the sale is voidable when the price is so disproportionate to the value of the good, that it is obvious that the parties did not want to consent to a sale.


In the case of registering an order where the product has the wrong characteristics due to a human or technical error, the Seller will make every effort to deliver a product with characteristics similar to the product ordered. If the customer will not agree to this solution, the Seller has the right to cancel this order.

Article 11 – ACCEPTANCE

Acceptance will be made when the Goods and Services comply with the characteristics mentioned in the Order. If the Buyer discovers that the Products delivered or the Services provided do not comply with the specifications, the Seller will bring the Products and Services into compliance within a maximum period equal to the deadline for the execution of the Order - mentioned in the product description page, without imputing any costs to the Buyer related to these operations.

Article 12 - WARRANTIES

The gold products will be delivered marked. Also, the goods will be accompanied by the invoice, the quality certificate issued by the supplier or by Diva Pearls, as well as other documents required by the legislation in force. In addition to any other guarantees provided by the applicable laws and detailed in the Certificate of Guarantee issued by the Seller, it guarantees the Buyer against any non-conformity that may affect all or part of the Goods and Services, with the exception of normal wear and tear.


Ownership of the Goods and Services will be transferred at the time of their delivery to the Buyer at the location indicated in the Order and upon full receipt of their consideration (understood by delivery - the signature of receipt of the transport document provided by the courier or the signature of receipt on the tax invoice in the case deliveries made at the Seller's premises). In the case of delivery by courier, he is not authorized by the Seller to allow the Buyer to open the parcels before signing the delivery, but only after the signing of the delivery and the payment of their possible counter value. The seller cannot be held responsible for the contents of the shipped parcels unless there is a document signed by the buyer and the representative of the courier who made the delivery.


The Seller will comply with all laws, regulations and ordinances applicable to its contractual achievements, including without limitation to: manufacturing, assembly, handling, transport, storage, packaging or delivery of Goods and Services and applicable to health, safety, environment.


The Seller cannot be responsible for damages of any kind that the Buyer or any third party may suffer as a result of the Seller's performance of any of its obligations under the Order and for damages resulting from the use of the Goods and Services after delivery and in particular for product loss.
The seller will be responsible if his sub-contractors and/or partners of any kind involved in the execution of the Order do not fulfill any of the contractual obligations.


If the Seller does not perform its obligations, the Buyer will notify the Seller of this failure. An action plan will be validated between the Parties within 3 working days of notification. The buyer can cancel an Order, only before it enters the production/subcontracting schedule. Otherwise, the order will be subject to the Return of the goods, mentioned on the Seller's website.

Article 17 – MAJOR FORCE

None of the parties will be responsible for non-performance of its contractual obligations, if such non-performance is due to a force majeure event. Force majeure is the unforeseeable event, beyond the control of the parties and which cannot be avoided.


This contract is subject to Romanian law. Any disputes arising from the interpretation and execution of this contract will be resolved amicably, and if an agreement is not reached in this way, it will be appealed to the competent courts at the Seller's headquarters.


If one or more provisions of these TCGV are in conflict with any legally applicable requirement, those provisions will not be applied and the Parties will work together to agree on new provisions that respect the spirit of the initial provisions.
The parties to the contract will be considered independent contractors and none of the parties is granted the right or authority to assume or create any obligation on account or to the detriment of the other. The terms and conditions of this contract supersede other previous written or verbal agreements, between the aforementioned Parties, regarding the subject of this Agreement and may not be modified or changed except by written agreement signed by both parties.
Fiind de acord cu acesti Termeni si Conditii clientul isi asuma in totalitate aceste



Slatina, Olt, B-dul AI Cuza, No. 14, Registered in the Trade Register under no. J28/778/2018



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